Sperling Institute

Dr. Hans Sperling is widely known as one of the best implantologists in South Florida

Dr. Hans Sperling

Dr. Hans Sperling is a second generation Dentist and has provided comprehensive teeth replacement since 1992. He is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry and has earned their prestigious award of fellow.

Dr. Sperling is also a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He is a member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of Osseointegration and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. He has provided teeth replacement for over 29 years!

He is a mentor for aspiring dental students participating with Barry University’s Biomedical Science Society. Dr. Sperling has also held teaching positions at the Colombian College of Dentistry, the Colombian School of Medicine, Dental School and the Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science at the University of Florida College of Dentistry.

Dr. Sperling was recently a featured speaker at The Envista Summit 2024 for Implant Direct in Anaheim, California where he presented about a digital workflow and guided approach to the full arch rehabilitation.

Our mission is to provide advanced continuing dental education that will result in a simpler, more efficient and cost effective way to practice dentistry.

To help dentists expand their current areas of practice and expertise by sharing the knowledge we’ve acquired though many years of practicing comprehensive dentistry. To provide unbiased dental education that is clinically sound and relevant.

To help enhance the performance of the auxiliary and staff personnel in the dental practice, recognizing that they play a crucial role in the delivery of high-quality dental care.

To contribute to the overall health of patients by advocating higher standards of dental treatment and care in a compassionate and efficient way.

To be recognized as one of the premier continuing dental education providers in the country.

Live Seminar

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 7:00 p.m
3900 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 303.  Fl, 33021
Duration 90 Minutes

Alveolar Ridge Preservation

Course Description

Immediately after tooth extraction there is a loss of alveolar bone and soft tissue volume. It is a fact that performing alveolar preservation of an extracted socket is preferable over spontaneous healing.

Socket Preservation procedures are effective in limiting the amount of vertical and horizontal ridge alterations in post-extractions sites.


  • Learn how to minimize the effect of tooth extraction and preserve the alveolar ridge.

  • Understand the different bone grafting materials and their application.

  • Understand the different barrier membranes available and their application.

  • Review the proper suturing techniques to achieve predictable outcomes. 

  • Understand the indications for immediate implant placement and increase case acceptance.

Digital Workflow and Guided Approach to the Full Arch Rehabilitation

“Simple, efficient and cost-effective way to treat the terminal dentition.”

Course Description
Full-arch treatment of the “terminal dentition” can be quite challenging for many practitioners. Difficulties in diagnosis, obtaining proper records and establishing a sound treatment plan as well as staging treatment, plus handling of the provisional phase and delivery of a final prosthesis that meets our patients’ expectations can become very time-consuming, overwhelming, and expensive.

When properly performed, full-arch implant rehabilitation can be the most rewarding aspect of our dental practice. We can witness firsthand the satisfaction of our patients as we directly help them raise their quality of life and self-confidence.

This course is aimed at helping you establish the right protocols so you can perform this life-changing treatment for your patients in a simple, efficient, and cost-effective way.

Live Courses




This is a two-day Hands-on course covering the basics of Digital Implant Dentistry and Guided Implant Surgery. We will cover everything you need to know to start implementing digital dentistry into your implant practice. We will demonstrate how to create a digital treatment plan and how to create and print a surgical guide for simple cases. We will be placing implants over a model using our guide and scanning a final digital impression for a digitally designed restoration. We will also discuss abutment selection and demonstrate the digital design for our restoration.



Using a surgical guide is particularly important when treating a full arch. There is an absolute need to plan the restorations ahead of time and determine the occlusion, esthetics and amount of space and bone reduction needed for the restoration. 

This 2-day hands-on course will cover the planning, design and fabrication of surgical guides required for a full arch hybrid restoration. We’ll be fabricating a pin indexing guide, a bone reduction guide, a surgical guide, and a provisional pick-up guide as well as a provisional hybrid restoration.


 At the end of this module the participants will have a complete surgical guide to use as a demo or if they brought their own case for planning, they will be able to use it during an actual surgery.

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Implant dentistry is a prosthetically driven procedure with a surgical component.

This 6 module continuum course is designed to train dentists and their elected staff personnel in all aspects of digital implant dentistry. We will cover how to digitally plan simple and complex implant cases and how to design and fabricate simple and complex surgical guides including full arches. This continuum will teach you how to digitally design implant restorations for single units up to full arches. These designs will be ready for you to mill or print in-house or to outsource to an
external lab for fabrication.

This continuum is divided into 6 modules.

Instructional Videos

Guided approach to the full arch rehabilitation of the terminal dentition


" We did the full mouth course here with the design and single crowns and bridges and also the finishing of the cases we have learn a lot. We feel confident implementing it in our office and bringing the labs inside. Thank you Dr. Sperling and Marylin for the wealth of information!"
Dr. Jorge Trueba
Pembroke Pines Dental
" Dr. Sperling's lectures are exceptional, demonstrating his extensive knowledge of dentistry. We gained invaluable insights into planning and executing a variety of procedures, from simple single implant crowns to complex hybrid dentures (all-on-4 or all-on-6). The course comprehensively covered restoration materials tailored to each case, digital implant planning with CBCT, designing surgical guides, milling techniques, and painting methods for single crowns, bridges and hybrids. By the end, I felt significantly more confident in planning implant cases with surgical guides and selecting appropriate restorations for each patient. Dr. Sperling's approachable nature made it easy to discuss current and future treatment plans, enhancing our ability to execute cases successfully. This course has profoundly improved my treatment planning skills. Special thanks to Marilyn and Dr. Sperling."
Dr. Emmy Estenoz
Coconut Creek Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry
