Sperling Institute

Live Courses


Module 1


 2-day lecture and participation course
Attendance is limited.

This is a two-day Hands-on course covering the basics of Digital Implant Dentistry and Guided Implant Surgery. We will cover everything you need to know to start implementing digital dentistry into your implant practice. We will demonstrate how to create a digital treatment plan and how to create and print a surgical guide for simple cases. We will be placing implants over a model using our guide and scanning a final digital impression for a digitally designed restoration. We will also discuss abutment selection and demonstrate the digital design for our restoration.

– Learn how to implement digital dentistry into your implant practice.
– Learn how to create a digital implant treatment plan.
– Learn how to create and print a surgical guide using Bluesky Plan software.
– Learn how to select the correct implant scan post and perform intraoral
– Learn how to select the right Ti-abutment for a digital implant crown.
– Discover how to digitally design an implant retained crown using Exocad
software that is ready to mill or print.

$1900 for Dentists 
$950 for Staff

Participants will receive 16 CE credits

Participants that would like to design their own guide must bring a laptop with Blueskyplan installed. Guides will also be provided for the Implant placement hands on portion.

Date: February 28 – March 1, 2025

Sperling Institute
3900 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 303.  Fl, 33021

Module 2


 2-day lecture and participation course
Attendance is limited.

Using a surgical guide is particularly important when treating a full arch. There is an absolute need to plan the restorations ahead of time and determine the occlusion, esthetics and amount of space and bone reduction needed for the restoration. 

This 2-day hands-on course will cover the planning, design and fabrication of surgical guides required for a full arch hybrid restoration. We’ll be fabricating a pin indexing guide, a bone reduction guide, a surgical guide, and a provisional pick-up guide as well as a provisional hybrid restoration.

 At the end of this module the participants will have a complete surgical guide to use as a demo or if they brought their own case for planning, they will be able to use it during an actual surgery.


– To learn the advantages and challenges of using a surgical guide for full arch implant rehabilitation.

– To learn how to design a pin indexing guide.

– To learn how to design a bone reduction guide.

– To learn how to design a surgical guide for complex cases.

– To learn how to design a pinned or “stackable” provisional pick-up guide.

– To experience placing fixation pins and fully guided implants over a model for a full arch case.


$ 2700 for Dentists
$ 1350 for Staff

Participants will receive 16 CE credits

Participants are required to have completed module 1.

*Participants are encouraged to bring their own case for planning. – Value $2000

Participants that would like to design their own guide must bring a laptop with Blueskyplan installed. Guides will also be provided for the Implant placement hands on portion.

Date: March 14- 15, 2025

Sperling Institute
3900 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 303.  Fl, 33021

" Dr. Sperling's lectures are exceptional, demonstrating his extensive knowledge of dentistry. We gained invaluable insights into planning and executing a variety of procedures, from simple single implant crowns to complex hybrid dentures (all-on-4 or all-on-6). The course comprehensively covered restoration materials tailored to each case, digital implant planning with CBCT, designing surgical guides, milling techniques, and painting methods for single crowns, bridges and hybrids. By the end, I felt significantly more confident in planning implant cases with surgical guides and selecting appropriate restorations for each patient. Dr. Sperling's approachable nature made it easy to discuss current and future treatment plans, enhancing our ability to execute cases successfully. This course has profoundly improved my treatment planning skills. Special thanks to Marilyn and Dr. Sperling."
Dr. Emmy Estenoz
Coconut Creek Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry

Replacement teeth that look, function, and feel like real teeth are the ultimate goal of implant dentistry. Patients need and want replacement teeth, NOT dental implants.

Dental technology levels the playing field. It makes ALL aspects of dentistry easier. With proper guidance, mostly any Dentist can learn how to prosthetically plan, place and restore implants with successful outcomes.

Advances in digital technology and dental materials have allowed us to establish workflow protocols that dramatically reduce the stress, the number of visits, and costs, traditionally associated with implant dentistry.

A thorough understanding of the laboratory aspects involved in the planning, designing and fabrication of implant prosthesis is the best way to achieve a predictable and successful result that will satisfy our patient’s needs.

This continuum course is designed to train dentists and their elected staff personnel in all aspects of digital implant dentistry. We will cover how to digitally plan simple and complex implant cases and how to design and fabricate simple and complex surgical guides including full arches. This continuum will teach you how to digitally design implant restorations for single units up to full arches. These designs will be ready for you to mill or print in-house or to outsource to an
external lab for fabrication.

We will teach you how to characterize and finish a final implant prosthesis for lifelike appearance. At the end of the continuum, the participants will be able to establish a sound, efficient and cost-effective workflow protocol into their implant practice. At completion of this continuum, participants will have the knowledge and ability to significantly reduce their laboratory expenses while at the same time achieving amazing results.

This continuum is divided into 6 modules.

Note: The modules can be taken separately or as a package. It is recommended that each Dentist brings 1 staff member along for the training. The staff members will play a crucial role in the digital process and will help reduce the time each dentist spends away from the chair. These auxiliary personnel are likely to become the in-house “lab technician”.

Available Course Dates: April 20 / 2024, June 29 / 2024, Sep 13 / 2024

The placement of dental implants requires great precision to obtain the best esthetics and
function possible. Patients don’t want dental implants; patients want replacement teeth.
Replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth, therefore, we must plan and
execute our implant placement and restorations with this end in mind. Guided implant
placement is one of the most accurate ways to achieve a predictable and acceptable result
that will satisfy our patient’s needs.

This 1- day, hands-on course will cover everything you need to know to be able to plan, design
and print a surgical guide for single implants.
This course will cover the armamentarium and the process required to place fully guided
We will be placing an implant into a model using a printed guide.

– To learn the advantages and challenges of using surgical guides.
– To learn how to plan and design a surgical guide for simple cases.
– To learn the process, advantages and challenges of placing a fully guided implant.
– To experience placing a fully guided implant over a model.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own cases to work on. Value $ 150

Tuition: $1899 per Dr. $899 per staff member
Participants will receive 8 CE credits.

Register Here

Available Course Dates: April 21 / 2024, June 30 / 2024, Sep 14 / 2024

Hands-on 1-day course. This course is designed as an introduction to the world of restorative
digital implant dentistry. You will learn the process required to fabricate anterior and posterior
digital implant crowns that are ready to be printed or milled in-house or be outsourced for
milling or printing. We will be covering intraoral scanning, abutment selection, implant crown
digital design for single anterior and posterior screw retained restorations and custom
abutment design for implant cemented restorations. We will 3D print and mill our designed
implant restorations.

– Understand the advantages and challenges of digitally scanning dental implants.
– Learn how to select the correct digital scan post needed, and how to perform an intraoral digital
scan for dental implant restorations.
– Learn how to select the final abutment or Ti-base for the restoration.
– Learn how to create a digital wax-up in Exocad for single implant anterior and posterior
– Learn how to design screw retained restorations in Exocad that are ready to mill or print.
– Learn how to design custom abutments and cement-retained restorations in Exocad that are
ready to mill or print.
– Experience milling and printing demonstrations of the designed restorations in different
materials including acrylics, e-max and zirconia.
*Participants are encouraged to bring analog models of their own cases to work on.

Tuition: $1799 per Dr. $899 per additional staff member.

Participants will receive 8 CE credits.

Register Here

Available Course Dates: May 18 / 2024, July 12 / 2024, Oct 18 / 2024

Advances in digital technology and biomaterials have leveled the playing field. Now every dentist
can have in their own practice the ability to produce lifelike dental restorations that challenge any
lab produced restoration at a fraction of the cost.
In this hands-on 1-day course, participants will be learning how to characterize and finish anterior
and posterior zirconia, lithium disilicate and PMMA restorations. At the end of the day the
participants will have a finished restoration that could be used as a demo or be placed in a
patient’s mouth.

– Learn how to characterize and finish printed and milled PMMA anterior and posterior
implant restorations.
– Learn how to characterize and finish monolithic anterior and posterior zirconia implant
– Learn how to characterize and finish monolithic anterior and posterior lithium disilicate
– Learn how to bond Ti-bases to the finished restoration ready to be delivered to the

Participants should bring their loupes and light for this module.

Tuition: $1799 per Dr. $899 per additional staff member
Participants will receive 8 CE credits.

Register Here

Available Course Dates: May 19 / 2024, July 13 / 2024, Oct 19 / 2024

Full arch implant reconstructions are one of the most rewarding procedures in dentistry. They
can however, if not effectively planned and executed, be very frustrating, time-consuming, and
Having the ability to design your own full arch restorations will give you a much better
understanding of the procedure, put you in the driver’s seat and reduce your laboratory
expenses significantly.
In this 1-day, hands-on course, we’ll teach you how to create a digital design in Exocad, for a
monolithic screw retained, hybrid restoration as well as how to design a hybrid framework with
individual crowns that are ready to be printed or milled in a variety of materials.

– Learn how to select the proper materials for full arch restorations based on biomaterials,
biomechanics, and the patient’s needs.
– Learn how to design a monolithic hybrid screw retained full arch restoration in Exocad,
that is ready to print or mill.
– Learn how to design a hybrid, thimble designed structure with individual crowns full
arch restoration in Exocad that is ready to print or mill.
*Participants are encouraged to bring their own cases for design. Value $ 450

Tuition: $2499 per Dr. $1499 per staff member.

Participants are required to have completed module 2.

Participants will receive 8 CE credits.

Register Here

Available Dates: June 15 / 2024, August 16/ 2024, Nov 1 / 2024

The placement of dental implants requires great precision to obtain the best function and
esthetics. Guided implant placement is one of the most accurate ways to achieve this result.
Using a surgical guide is particularly important when treating a full arch. There is an absolute
need to plan the restoration ahead of time and determine the occlusion, esthetics and amount
of space and bone reduction needed for the restoration.
This 1-day hands-on course will cover the design and fabrication of the surgical guides required
for a full arch hybrid restoration. We’ll be fabricating a pin indexing guide, a bone reduction
guide, a surgical guide, and a provisional pick-up guide as well as a provisional hybrid
At the end of this day the participants will have a complete surgical guide to use as a demo or if
they brought their own case for planning, they will be able to use it during the surgery.

– To learn the advantages and challenges of using a surgical guides for full arch implant
– To learn how to design a pin indexing guide.
– To learn how to design a bone reduction guide.
– To learn how to design a surgical guide for complex cases.
– To learn how to design a pinned or “stackable” provisional pick-up guide.
– To experience placing fixation pins and fully guided implants over a model for a full arch

*Participants are encouraged to bring their own case for planning. Value $ 1500
Tuition: $ 2799 per Dr. $1699 per staff member
Participants will receive 8 CE credits.

Participants are required to have completed module 1.

Available Dates: June 15 / 2024, August 16/ 2024, Nov 1 / 2024

Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop with Blueskyplan installed.
Requirements for Blueskyplan Software: Minimum requirements: OS: Windows 10
Home/Professional 64 bit • Processor: Quad Core Intel i7 or comparable • RAM: At least 16 GB • Video
card: AMD Radeon RX 470, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti • Monitor: resolution at least 1850p • Hard
Disk: 5 GB of free space.

Register Here

Available Course Dates: June 16 / 2024, August 17/ 2024, Nov 2 / 2024

Advances in digital technology and biomaterials have leveled the playing field. Now every dentist
can have in their own practice the ability to produce lifelike dental restorations that challenge any
lab produced restoration at a fraction of the cost.
In this hands-on, 1 day course, participants will be learning how to characterize, and finish PMMA
and monolithic hybrid zirconia restorations for full arch rehabilitation over dental implants. At the
end of the day the participants will have a finished restoration that could be used as a demo or
to be placed in a patient’s mouth.

– Learn how to characterize and finish a monolithic PMMA hybrid restoration, including soft
– Learn how to characterize and finish a monolithic Zirconia hybrid restoration, including soft
– Learn how to properly bond Ti-bases for a passive fit.
At the end of this module participants will have a finished hybrid restoration to use as a demo
or as a final restoration if bringing your own unfinished hybrid. Value: $ 500

Tuition: $2499 per Dr. $1499 per staff member.
Participants will receive 8 CE credits

Participants should bring their loupes and light for this module.
Participants are required to have completed module 3.

Available Course Dates: June 16 / 2024, August 17/ 2024, Nov 2 / 2024

Register Here

Continuum can be taken as Individual modules
with fees shown in the above

Complete Program Cost

Primary Dentist: $ 13.294
Auxiliary personnel: $ 7.394 (with participating dentist)

ALL 6 MODULES In Full: $ 10.635
Auxiliary personnel in Full: $ 5.915 (with participating dentist)

Additional benefits included with the continuum:
Remote design assistance for 3 implant crowns. Up to 30 min per crown.
Value: $ 120
Remote design assistance for 3 simple surgical guides. Up to 1 hr. per guide.
Value: $ 300
1 finished monolithic full arch hybrid restorations (excluding parts).
Value: $ 3.500
1 surgical guide and provisional restoration for full arch (excluding parts).
Value: $ 1.500

Total added value: $ 5.420


One-On- One

Mentorship Programs

The primary goal of this mentorship program is to show every dentist how to be successful in diagnosing, staging, and completing the comprehensive restorative cases that every practice contains. Is it time you stop neglecting lucrative complex cases because of a lack of knowledge or because you did not know how to plan treatment stages the average patient can afford?

To inquire about our one-on-one mentorship program, please fill out the form below. 

To inquire about our one-on-one mentorship program, please fill out the form below.

" Dr. Sperling's lectures are exceptional, demonstrating his extensive knowledge of dentistry. We gained invaluable insights into planning and executing a variety of procedures, from simple single implant crowns to complex hybrid dentures (all-on-4 or all-on-6). The course comprehensively covered restoration materials tailored to each case, digital implant planning with CBCT, designing surgical guides, milling techniques, and painting methods for single crowns, bridges and hybrids. By the end, I felt significantly more confident in planning implant cases with surgical guides and selecting appropriate restorations for each patient. Dr. Sperling's approachable nature made it easy to discuss current and future treatment plans, enhancing our ability to execute cases successfully. This course has profoundly improved my treatment planning skills. Special thanks to Marilyn and Dr. Sperling."
Dr. Emmy Estenoz
Coconut Creek Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry